Made in America
The message is perfectly clear!


How To Mail
Double Exposure Custom Vinyl Envelopes, Biznotes and Promotional Direct Mailers.
Insert your card so the printed headline shows through on the same side as the confetti. Address a standard, self-adhesive mailing label (we suggest 2"x4") and use the label to close (seal) the back envelope flap. Place self-adhesive postage on label and mail.
Insert card so image shows through the envelope front. Fold flap over Use self-adhesive address label to seal flap closed. Put stamps on address label. Use extra postage for non-standadrd mail.
Use OUR CARD (blank inside) or combine with YOUR OWN CARD, LETTER or ART to create a one-of-a-kind message.
Confetti shapes shake, but can't spill out of envelope.
  Envelope can be mailed!